Five Celebrities On Body Image And Sexuality In Media

Ariana Grande

“It just dawned on me why Jennifer Lawrence fell on her way up to the stage to get her Oscar. She tripped over her own arrogance,” added Rivers. Lily Allen The singer, returning to the music industry after starting a family, said her new single Hard Out Here addresses how “difficult” it is for girls growing up. “It [the song] is to do with a lot of stuff that’s being talked about in the press actually, the sexualisation of children and the objectification of women in general.” Critics have said that the video, which uses black dancers, is racist and continues the stereotypes of black women in rap music. Allen has responded, saying it is “a light-hearted satirical video that deals with objectification of women within modern pop culture”. “I don’t actually walk around all day twerking with my tongue out dressed as a teddy bear,” she said.
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